All of the following statistics are from the following source and used with permission:
Todd M. Johnson
Director Center for the Study of Global Christianity
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
130 Essex St., Box 201
South Hamilton, MA 01982
Office Phone: 978-646-4194
Office Fax: 978-646-4572
Worlds A, B, C: Evangelism and Material Wealth
World Evangelization Research Center
Pointing the way to the least evangelized
• (38 countries each less than half evangelized, i.e. less than 50%)
• 1,629,375,000 unevangelized persons
• 29.6% of global population
• 12.1% of global income
• 11.4% of all telephones
• 13.3% of all TV sets
• 2.8% of all computers
• (59 countries over half evangelized but with church members less than 60%)
• 2.4 billion evangelized non-Christians
• 500 million evangelized but unreached non-Christians
• 40.1% of global population
• 35.3% of global income
• 27.8% of all telephones
• 34.7% of all TV sets
• 23.4% of all computers
• (141 countries with church members 60% or over, evangelized 95% or over)
• 2 billion Christians
• 33% of global population
• 52.6% of global income
• 60.8% of all telephones
• 47.0% of all TV sets
• 73.8% of all computers (70% of all being owned and operated by Christians)
• 99.9% of Christian income on themselves
• 0.09% on the Evangelized Non-Christian World
• 0.01% on the Unevangelized World
World Evangelization Research Center
Pointing the way to the least evangelized
An AD 2001 reality check:
New facts and figures about trends and issues concerning empirical global Christianity today:
• At a steady rate over the last 20 centuries, and in all 238 countries, 70 million Christians have been martyred (killed, executed, murdered) for Christ.
• Emboldened by lax procedures, trusted church treasurers are embezzling each year $16 billion out of church funds, but only 5% ever get found out.
• Annual church embezzlements by top custodians exceed the entire cost of all foreign missions worldwide.
• Christians spend more on the annual audits of their churches and agencies ($810 million) than on all their workers in the non-Christian world.
• The total cost of Christian outreach averages $330,000 for each and every newly baptized person.
• Despite Christ’s command to evangelize, 67% of all humans from AD 30 to the present day have never even heard of his name.
• A huge new Christian non-confessional mega-bloc, the Independents/Post-denominationalists, is growing rapidly and numbers 19% of all Christians.
• These 386 million Independents in 220 countries have no interest in and no use for historic denominationalist Christianity.
• From only 3 million in AD 1500, evangelicals have grown to 648 million worldwide, 54% being Non-Whites.
• The country with the fastest Christian expansion ever is China, now at 10,000 new converts every day.
• Everywhere on Earth can now easily be targeted with at least 3 of the 45 varieties of effective evangelism.
• 40% of the church’s entire global foreign mission resources are being deployed to just 10 over-saturated countries already possessing strong citizen-run home ministries
• From only one million in AD 1900, Pentecostals, Charismatics, and Neo-charismatics have mushroomed to 524 million affiliated (with unaffiliated believers, 602 million).
• Some 250 of the 300 largest international Christian organizations regularly mislead the Christian public by publishing demonstrably incorrect or falsified progress statistics.
All persons born since AD 33: 36,673 million
All persons evangelized since AD 33: 12,105 million (33% of human race)
All Christians since AD 33: 8,344 million (23% of human race)
All martyrs killed since AD 33: 69,420,000
Martyrs as % all Christians ever: 0.8%
Martyrs among all Christian leaders ever: 2.0%
Todd M. Johnson
Director Center for the Study of Global Christianity
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
130 Essex St., Box 201
South Hamilton, MA 01982
Office Phone: 978-646-4194
Office Fax: 978-646-4572
Worlds A, B, C: Evangelism and Material Wealth
World Evangelization Research Center
Pointing the way to the least evangelized
• (38 countries each less than half evangelized, i.e. less than 50%)
• 1,629,375,000 unevangelized persons
• 29.6% of global population
• 12.1% of global income
• 11.4% of all telephones
• 13.3% of all TV sets
• 2.8% of all computers
• (59 countries over half evangelized but with church members less than 60%)
• 2.4 billion evangelized non-Christians
• 500 million evangelized but unreached non-Christians
• 40.1% of global population
• 35.3% of global income
• 27.8% of all telephones
• 34.7% of all TV sets
• 23.4% of all computers
• (141 countries with church members 60% or over, evangelized 95% or over)
• 2 billion Christians
• 33% of global population
• 52.6% of global income
• 60.8% of all telephones
• 47.0% of all TV sets
• 73.8% of all computers (70% of all being owned and operated by Christians)
• 99.9% of Christian income on themselves
• 0.09% on the Evangelized Non-Christian World
• 0.01% on the Unevangelized World
World Evangelization Research Center
Pointing the way to the least evangelized
An AD 2001 reality check:
New facts and figures about trends and issues concerning empirical global Christianity today:
• At a steady rate over the last 20 centuries, and in all 238 countries, 70 million Christians have been martyred (killed, executed, murdered) for Christ.
• Emboldened by lax procedures, trusted church treasurers are embezzling each year $16 billion out of church funds, but only 5% ever get found out.
• Annual church embezzlements by top custodians exceed the entire cost of all foreign missions worldwide.
• Christians spend more on the annual audits of their churches and agencies ($810 million) than on all their workers in the non-Christian world.
• The total cost of Christian outreach averages $330,000 for each and every newly baptized person.
• Despite Christ’s command to evangelize, 67% of all humans from AD 30 to the present day have never even heard of his name.
• A huge new Christian non-confessional mega-bloc, the Independents/Post-denominationalists, is growing rapidly and numbers 19% of all Christians.
• These 386 million Independents in 220 countries have no interest in and no use for historic denominationalist Christianity.
• From only 3 million in AD 1500, evangelicals have grown to 648 million worldwide, 54% being Non-Whites.
• The country with the fastest Christian expansion ever is China, now at 10,000 new converts every day.
• Everywhere on Earth can now easily be targeted with at least 3 of the 45 varieties of effective evangelism.
• 40% of the church’s entire global foreign mission resources are being deployed to just 10 over-saturated countries already possessing strong citizen-run home ministries
• From only one million in AD 1900, Pentecostals, Charismatics, and Neo-charismatics have mushroomed to 524 million affiliated (with unaffiliated believers, 602 million).
• Some 250 of the 300 largest international Christian organizations regularly mislead the Christian public by publishing demonstrably incorrect or falsified progress statistics.
All persons born since AD 33: 36,673 million
All persons evangelized since AD 33: 12,105 million (33% of human race)
All Christians since AD 33: 8,344 million (23% of human race)
All martyrs killed since AD 33: 69,420,000
Martyrs as % all Christians ever: 0.8%
Martyrs among all Christian leaders ever: 2.0%