Blessed Are The Poor
I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to speak up for the rights of poor believers everywhere. There is so much need (not greed) among evangelical Christians among the nations! Let’s take a close look at what God thinks about this need:
• The poor cannot speak for themselves or defend their rights (Prov. 31:8-9).
• We ought to be satisfied to avoid the two extremes of either being poor or rich (Prov. 30:7-9).
• Righteous people care about justice for the poor (Prov. 29:7).
• Those who give to the poor lack nothing, while others are cursed (Prov. 28:8).
• We are rewarded even for helping enemies in need (Prov. 25:21-22).
• We are to show restraint in seeking to be rich (Prov. 23:4-5).
• Do not take advantage of the needy (Prov. 22:22-23).
• Do not make money by exploiting the poor or give to the rich (Prov. 22:16).
• If you are generous to the poor, you are blessed (Prov. 22:9).
• When you give to the poor, you lend to the Lord (Prov. 19:17).
• Give freely and experience prosperity, but hold back in your giving and experience poverty. A generous person will prosper and be refreshed (Prov. 11:24-25).
• Do not withhold from your neighbor in need (Prov. 3:27-28).
• The poor are blessed, but the rich are warned (Luke 6:20-26).
• Judgment comes upon the rich who ignore the poor (Luke 16:19-31).
• Do not store up wealth on earth, rather put treasure in heaven (give to the poor). Your heart will be focused where your treasure is (Matt. 6:19-21).
• You can’t serve God and money (Matt. 6:24).
• The early church was committed to help the poor as a priority of ministry (Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-35; 6:1).
• The apostles made the poor their priority, too (Rom. 15:25-27; Gal. 2:10; 2 Cor. 8 & 9).
• Avoid loving money and be content with God’s provision for you (Heb. 13:5-6).
• Godliness with contentment brings true prosperity. Flee from the snare that the pursuit of riches and the love of money set for you (1 Tim. 6:6-12).
• Command the rich to help the poor and so lay up treasure in heaven (1 Tim. 6:17-19).
Is the Holy Spirit speaking to you about your response to the poor believers around the world? Let’s seek Him for His will for each of us in these matters. We can make a huge difference for all eternity if we are obedient to His Word.
• The poor cannot speak for themselves or defend their rights (Prov. 31:8-9).
• We ought to be satisfied to avoid the two extremes of either being poor or rich (Prov. 30:7-9).
• Righteous people care about justice for the poor (Prov. 29:7).
• Those who give to the poor lack nothing, while others are cursed (Prov. 28:8).
• We are rewarded even for helping enemies in need (Prov. 25:21-22).
• We are to show restraint in seeking to be rich (Prov. 23:4-5).
• Do not take advantage of the needy (Prov. 22:22-23).
• Do not make money by exploiting the poor or give to the rich (Prov. 22:16).
• If you are generous to the poor, you are blessed (Prov. 22:9).
• When you give to the poor, you lend to the Lord (Prov. 19:17).
• Give freely and experience prosperity, but hold back in your giving and experience poverty. A generous person will prosper and be refreshed (Prov. 11:24-25).
• Do not withhold from your neighbor in need (Prov. 3:27-28).
• The poor are blessed, but the rich are warned (Luke 6:20-26).
• Judgment comes upon the rich who ignore the poor (Luke 16:19-31).
• Do not store up wealth on earth, rather put treasure in heaven (give to the poor). Your heart will be focused where your treasure is (Matt. 6:19-21).
• You can’t serve God and money (Matt. 6:24).
• The early church was committed to help the poor as a priority of ministry (Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-35; 6:1).
• The apostles made the poor their priority, too (Rom. 15:25-27; Gal. 2:10; 2 Cor. 8 & 9).
• Avoid loving money and be content with God’s provision for you (Heb. 13:5-6).
• Godliness with contentment brings true prosperity. Flee from the snare that the pursuit of riches and the love of money set for you (1 Tim. 6:6-12).
• Command the rich to help the poor and so lay up treasure in heaven (1 Tim. 6:17-19).
Is the Holy Spirit speaking to you about your response to the poor believers around the world? Let’s seek Him for His will for each of us in these matters. We can make a huge difference for all eternity if we are obedient to His Word.